MGM READS 30 is a county-wide campaign to get everyone reading at least 30 minutes a day. Now more than ever, our children cannot afford to lose reading skills during the summer. 

The Montgomery Education Foundation, in partnership with the City of Montgomery, the Montgomery County Commission, the Montgomery City-County Public Library and Montgomery Public Schools, is providing daily access to books with local community leaders participating as guest readers for virtual story book read-alouds and chapter books readings to be aired daily during the summer.

In addition to readings, MGM Reads has created book activities and vocabulary word play activities aligned to each story book.

Each week, books and resources will be distributed at summer meal sites to help build home libraries and support their children to READ 30 every day!


(No social distancing or mask required!)

Are you ALL IN to READ 30 everyday?

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Today’s Storybook

You can view book readings here daily AND:

Today’s Chapter Book Installment

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Today's Spotlight

MGM READS 30 looks forward to shining a light on students, families and community members as they join together to READ 30.


Reading Activities

Did you know? Students who read 30 minutes a day will experience nine times the vocabulary growth compared to a student who reads less than 20 minutes. That is a difference of almost 12.2 million words throughout their K-12 career!


Word Play

Building vocabulary helps us improve our reading, writing and communication skills. MGM Reads has created vocabulary activities for chosen words from each book we read, so click an image below to start your word play! 

Just like Jerome in The Word Collector, you too can be a word collector this summer!



Resources for students, families and teachers from around the community. Check out the many activities and services available


Book Distributions

Creating home libraries leads to successful readers. Look for distribution sites and schedules

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Video Library

All read aloud book videos are archived here.


In 1990 Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop wrote an essay about a powerful metaphor, how books and stories can act as mirrors, windows and sliding glass doors to which children see the world.

 In a 2009 TED Talk, Nigerian writer Chimanmanda Ngozi Adichie warned of reducing complex human beings to a single narrative, an incomplete story, preventing indiciduals from authentically interacting with each other, actively seeking to understand each other.

In 2020 the MGM READS 30 campaign will read aloud 24 story books and 4 chapter books with diverse, affirming stories and celebrate the beautiful Montgomery community through reading and interacting with our readers.

 While we work hard to support readers and reading comprehension, we also look forward to seeing children find a proud reflective mirror; a welcoming window; and a sliding glass door into another's world this summer.

 Jackie Bretl - Academic Program Director, Montgomery Education Foundation

MGM Reads 30 Partners